Terms of Use

Welcome to Campus Connex! These Terms of Use govern your access to and use of the Campus Connex website and services. By accessing or using our platform, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions.

1. Eligibility

To use Campus Connex, you must be at least 18 years old and have the legal capacity to enter into a binding agreement. By registering an account, you confirm that you meet these eligibility criteria and are authorized to work in the United States. We reserve the right to verify your eligibility and refuse access to the platform at our discretion.

2. Account Registration

– Only registered users may buy and sell on Campus Connex. When registering for an account, you agree to provide accurate, complete, and updated information regarding your business or personal details, and to update such details as necessary.
– You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your account credentials and for all activities that occur under your account. We are not liable for any unauthorized access or use of your account.
– Sharing your account or login credentials with third parties is prohibited. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security.

3. User Conduct

– You agree to use Campus Connex only for lawful purposes and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
– You may not engage in any activity that disrupts or interferes with the functioning of our platform or infringes upon the rights of others.
– Unprofessional behavior, including but not limited to inappropriate or offensive communication, dishonesty, or unethical conduct, is not tolerated. Such behavior may result in removal from Campus Connex, at our sole discretion.

4. Intellectual Property

– All content and materials available on Campus Connex, including text, graphics, logos, and images, are the property of Campus Connex or its licensors and are protected by intellectual property laws.
– You may not reproduce, modify, distribute, or publicly display any content from our platform without prior written consent. Unauthorized use of our intellectual property may result in legal action.

5. Transactions and Payments

– Campus Connex facilitates transactions between Campus Pros and clients but does not guarantee the quality or outcome of services provided. Users are encouraged to verify the credentials and reviews of other users before entering into transactions.
– Payments on the platform will be held by Campus Connex until we receive notice that the transaction has been completed. Clients have 48 hours to confirm the completion. If the client does not confirm within this period, the funds will be released to the Campus Pro.
– For Campus Pros subscribed to payment plans, transactions will be handled directly by the Campus Pro’s website. Campus Connex will not be responsible for any transactions outside the platform.
– Any attempt to conduct transactions outside the platform without a proper subscription may result in removal from Campus Connex.

6. Payment System

Pro Fee:
  – A 10% fee will be deducted from all transactions involving Campus Pros. This fee covers the use of the platform and related services.

7. Services

– Campus Pros create service offerings on Campus Connex, which clients may purchase. Campus Pros may also offer Custom Offers to clients.
– Each service successfully completed accrues 90% of the purchase amount to the Campus Pro’s account. Campus Connex credits Campus Pros upon order completion.
– Campus Pros are responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses and credentials required for their specific services. Campus Connex will not be liable for any work performed without the appropriate licenses, credentials, or insurance.

 Campus Pros operate as independent contractors and are solely responsible for compliance with all applicable laws, including obtaining necessary permits and insurance.  

8. Shipping

– For services requiring physical delivery, Campus Pros must define a shipping pricing factor. Campus Pros are responsible for all shipping arrangements and related costs.
– Campus Connex is not responsible for shipping, tracking, or the quality and condition of items delivered. Disputes related to shipping should be managed directly by the Campus Pro and client.

9. Buyers

– Direct payments outside the Campus Connex platform are prohibited. All transactions must occur through Campus Connex to be considered valid.
– Funds used to purchase services must be legally obtained and not associated with any unlawful activities.

10. Seller Features

Campus Pros may send Custom Offers to clients, specifying the service, price, and delivery time. Custom Offers must comply with Campus Connex’s Terms of Use.

11. Fees

– Campus Pros are charged a 10% service fee on earnings. For example, a $100 earning results in a $10 fee. All transactions are in USD.
– Both hourly and fixed-price contracts are available through the Direct Contracts option.

12. Tax Compliance

– Non-employee compensation should be reported on Form 1099-NEC starting from the 2020 tax year. Campus Pros earning $20,000 or more will not receive a Form 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC from Campus Connex. It is the responsibility of Campus Pros and their clients to ensure proper tax reporting.
– Campus Pros are considered independent contractors and are responsible for keeping track of their own finances and reporting their income for tax purposes. Campus Connex will provide Form 1099-NEC to all eligible Campus Pros who meet the income threshold, in accordance with IRS requirements. Campus Pros should consult with a tax professional to ensure proper tax filing and compliance. Campus Connex is not responsible for any tax liabilities or errors in the reporting of income.

13. Privacy

Our Privacy Policy governs the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information. By using Campus Connex, you consent to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy.

14. Termination

Campus Connex reserves the right to suspend or terminate your account and access to our platform at any time for any reason, with or without notice. Any outstanding fees or obligations remain due upon termination.

15. Changes to Terms

We may update these Terms of Use at any time. Changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website. Continued use of Campus Connex constitutes acceptance of the updated terms.

16. Governing Law

These Terms of Use are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Virginia, without regard to its conflict of law principles.

17. Contact Information

For questions or concerns regarding these Terms of Use, please contact us at hello@campusconnex.net.

Last updated: August 12, 2024

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